Spiritual Growth-Contingent upon Receive the Living Word
In James 1:21, James identifies that believers must receive God’s word in order to be affected by it.
“Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.”
The word “receive” is translated from the Koine Greek word δέξασθε (“dex-as-theh”) which more literally means, “you all are commanded to participate in the action and be affected by the action in a point in time to receive what is being offered or given.” Receiving God’s word is a command given to believers who must make the decision to become obedient to God’s command and do what He instructed. Believers participate in receiving God’s word with God by choosing to receive what He has provided for them in it. When the believer participates in receiving what God has provided in His Word, then he is affected by it. This requires that he receive the word in a position of humility which makes himself lower than God. All of which takes place after the believer deals with his moral failure (v.21 “filthiness”) and human good (v.21 “all that remains of wickedness”).
Dealing with sin and unrighteousness allows the believer’s relationship with God to be restored by God so that the believer once more operates as a partner with God in the spiritual life (cf. Gal. 5:16-23; 1 Jn. 1:5-10). Only after the believer deals with his sin can he legitimately receive the word of God within him.
The word “implanted” is translated from the Koine Greek word ἔμφυτον (“em-phoo-ton”) which more literally means, “placed within for the purpose of germination, based on initiation.” It describes God’s Word as being given to the believer for the purpose of developing from a seed into a plant that produces a complete product. This has dual results for the believer: it delivers him from the external pressure of his circumstances and it grows him spiritually. It is the word of God received and relied upon which grows the believer because the word of God has the necessary energy to accomplish its purpose according to Hebrews 4:12.
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edge sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
The word “active” is translated from the Koine Greek word ἐνεργὴς (“en-er-gaes”) which more literally means, “possessing the necessary energy to carry out a process to its completion in order to produce a product, based on initiation.” God’s word contains within itself the necessary energy it needs to germinate in the believer and carry to completion the process of growing the believer spiritually. This is based on God’s initiation, having sent His word in order that the believer’s thought process could be renovated by it.
If believers do not deal with their sin, whether human bad (immorality) or human good (self-righteousness), then they will not be in the proper position of humility in which they are able to participate in receiving God’s word. If the believer never receives God’s word, it is never able to accomplish its purpose in the believer of growing him spiritually. Therefore, the believer’s spiritual growth is contingent upon his participation in receiving the word of God and letting it carry to completion the purpose for which God sent it. God’s word has the necessary energy it needs to do its job, if the believer will merely receive it and let it complete its process in him.
“Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.”
The word “receive” is translated from the Koine Greek word δέξασθε (“dex-as-theh”) which more literally means, “you all are commanded to participate in the action and be affected by the action in a point in time to receive what is being offered or given.” Receiving God’s word is a command given to believers who must make the decision to become obedient to God’s command and do what He instructed. Believers participate in receiving God’s word with God by choosing to receive what He has provided for them in it. When the believer participates in receiving what God has provided in His Word, then he is affected by it. This requires that he receive the word in a position of humility which makes himself lower than God. All of which takes place after the believer deals with his moral failure (v.21 “filthiness”) and human good (v.21 “all that remains of wickedness”).
Dealing with sin and unrighteousness allows the believer’s relationship with God to be restored by God so that the believer once more operates as a partner with God in the spiritual life (cf. Gal. 5:16-23; 1 Jn. 1:5-10). Only after the believer deals with his sin can he legitimately receive the word of God within him.
The word “implanted” is translated from the Koine Greek word ἔμφυτον (“em-phoo-ton”) which more literally means, “placed within for the purpose of germination, based on initiation.” It describes God’s Word as being given to the believer for the purpose of developing from a seed into a plant that produces a complete product. This has dual results for the believer: it delivers him from the external pressure of his circumstances and it grows him spiritually. It is the word of God received and relied upon which grows the believer because the word of God has the necessary energy to accomplish its purpose according to Hebrews 4:12.
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edge sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
The word “active” is translated from the Koine Greek word ἐνεργὴς (“en-er-gaes”) which more literally means, “possessing the necessary energy to carry out a process to its completion in order to produce a product, based on initiation.” God’s word contains within itself the necessary energy it needs to germinate in the believer and carry to completion the process of growing the believer spiritually. This is based on God’s initiation, having sent His word in order that the believer’s thought process could be renovated by it.
If believers do not deal with their sin, whether human bad (immorality) or human good (self-righteousness), then they will not be in the proper position of humility in which they are able to participate in receiving God’s word. If the believer never receives God’s word, it is never able to accomplish its purpose in the believer of growing him spiritually. Therefore, the believer’s spiritual growth is contingent upon his participation in receiving the word of God and letting it carry to completion the purpose for which God sent it. God’s word has the necessary energy it needs to do its job, if the believer will merely receive it and let it complete its process in him.
Posted in Spiritual Development & Maturity
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