Written Studies
Notes, presentations, and other documents for personal study
Biblical Marriage (Current Series-New Lessons Added Weekly)
God's design and purpose for marriage is a critical component of His institutions for stabilizing human society. This study seeks to equip believers with an understanding of God's design for marriage in both form and function.
Lesson 1-A Divine Institution for the Glorification of God
Lesson 1-A Divine Institution for the Glorification of God
Spiritual Development & Maturity
Spiritual growth doesn't just happen. It requires God to grow the believer and the believer choosing to be grown. This series seeks to instruct the believer on how spiritual development takes place according to God's Word.
Lesson 1-God's Good Work Which He will Complete
Lesson 2-Engaging the Spirit for Growth
Lesson 3-Contingent upon Receiving the Living Word
Lesson 4-The Impact of Soil Types on the Word's Ability to Produce
Lesson 5-Requires Focused Obedience
Lesson 6-The Believer's Necessary Supplication
Lesson 7-Necessary Components for Sharing the Divine Nature
Lesson 8-The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth
Lesson 9-The Spiritual Infant
Lesson 10-The Spiritual Child
Lesson 11-The Spiritual Young Man
Lesson 12-The Spiritual Father
Lesson 13-The Objective is Christ's Maturity
Lesson 14-The Holy Spirit, A Teacher Provided in Grace
Lesson 15-The Bible, A Curriculum Provided in Grace
Lesson 16-The Pastor-Teacher, An Overseer Provided in Grace
Lesson 17-The Result of Listening to, Not Hearing the Word
Lesson 18-Pressing on Until Eternity
Lesson 1-God's Good Work Which He will Complete
Lesson 2-Engaging the Spirit for Growth
Lesson 3-Contingent upon Receiving the Living Word
Lesson 4-The Impact of Soil Types on the Word's Ability to Produce
Lesson 5-Requires Focused Obedience
Lesson 6-The Believer's Necessary Supplication
Lesson 7-Necessary Components for Sharing the Divine Nature
Lesson 8-The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth
Lesson 9-The Spiritual Infant
Lesson 10-The Spiritual Child
Lesson 11-The Spiritual Young Man
Lesson 12-The Spiritual Father
Lesson 13-The Objective is Christ's Maturity
Lesson 14-The Holy Spirit, A Teacher Provided in Grace
Lesson 15-The Bible, A Curriculum Provided in Grace
Lesson 16-The Pastor-Teacher, An Overseer Provided in Grace
Lesson 17-The Result of Listening to, Not Hearing the Word
Lesson 18-Pressing on Until Eternity
The Spiritual Way of Life
God has made the believer spiritually alive at the moment of his faith in Christ. This series seeks to inform believers in what the spiritual life in Christ is and how to walk it out moment by moment.
Lesson 1-The Believer's Walk by Faith
Lesson 2-Walking by Faith
Lesson 3-Walk Not by Sight
Lesson 4-Keeping in the Love of God
Lesson 5-The Means to Stopping Sin
Lesson 6-Unbroken Communication with the God of the Universe
Lesson 7-Taken by the Holy Spirit
Lesson 8-Carried out by Having Fellowship with God
Lesson 9-Partnership in God's Work
Lesson 10-A Life of Harmony with God
Lesson 11-Sharing in God's Objectives
Lesson 12-Functioning in Complementary Roles
Lesson 13-Motivated with God's Motivations
Lesson 14-Producing God's Products by God's Processes
Lesson 15-Faith Working Through Love
Lesson 1-The Believer's Walk by Faith
Lesson 2-Walking by Faith
Lesson 3-Walk Not by Sight
Lesson 4-Keeping in the Love of God
Lesson 5-The Means to Stopping Sin
Lesson 6-Unbroken Communication with the God of the Universe
Lesson 7-Taken by the Holy Spirit
Lesson 8-Carried out by Having Fellowship with God
Lesson 9-Partnership in God's Work
Lesson 10-A Life of Harmony with God
Lesson 11-Sharing in God's Objectives
Lesson 12-Functioning in Complementary Roles
Lesson 13-Motivated with God's Motivations
Lesson 14-Producing God's Products by God's Processes
Lesson 15-Faith Working Through Love
Trials & Tribulations
The opportunity to let your reliance upon God's instruction is found in every trial and tribulation. This study seeks to assist believers in recognizing the trials they face and equip them with an understanding of how to navigate them by relying on God's instruction.
Lesson 1-Trials & Tribulations
Lesson 2-Mechanics for Endurance
Lesson 3-The Work of Endurance
Lesson 4-Various Types of Trials
Lesson 5-Temptation Testing
Lesson 6-People Testing
Lesson 7-Volition Testing
Lesson 8-Systems Testing
Lesson 9-Personal Testing
Lesson 10-Thought Testing
Lesson 11-Momentum Testing
Lesson 12-Disaster Testing
Lesson 13-Prosperity Testing
Lesson 14-Integrity Testing
Lesson 15-Grace Provision for Endurance
Lesson 16-Mechanics for Deliverance
Lesson 17-Reward for Perseverance
Lesson 1-Trials & Tribulations
Lesson 2-Mechanics for Endurance
Lesson 3-The Work of Endurance
Lesson 4-Various Types of Trials
Lesson 5-Temptation Testing
Lesson 6-People Testing
Lesson 7-Volition Testing
Lesson 8-Systems Testing
Lesson 9-Personal Testing
Lesson 10-Thought Testing
Lesson 11-Momentum Testing
Lesson 12-Disaster Testing
Lesson 13-Prosperity Testing
Lesson 14-Integrity Testing
Lesson 15-Grace Provision for Endurance
Lesson 16-Mechanics for Deliverance
Lesson 17-Reward for Perseverance
Satan & Company
Satan rebelled from his divinely appointed position in order to obtain for himself the highest position on God's throne. This study seeks to inform believers about the characteristics, attributes, and strategies of Satan and his fallen angelic army.
Lesson 1-An Organized Army Against the God of the Universe
Lesson 2-The Commander in Chief of the Fallen Angelic Army
Lesson 3-The Source of the Spirit of Error
Lesson 4-Lucifer's Transition to Satan
Lesson 5-The Temporary Authority Over the World System and its Kingdoms
Lesson 6-A Skillful and Methodical Enemy
Lesson 7-Their Strategy for Deception
Lesson 8-Point of Contact for Deception
Lesson 9-Seeking to Attack and Devour
Lesson 10-Ability to Influence, Control, and Possess
Lesson 11-Ability to Influence Through Lies, Circumstances, and Man
Lesson 12-Ability to Control through Counterfeit Systems of Thought
Lesson 13-Ability to Possess Unbelievers through Assent and Consent
Lesson 14-Disguised as Angels of Light and Servants of Righteousness
Lesson 15-Defeated by God through Christ Unto Eternal Judgment
Lesson 16-Overcome by Truth that is Known and Relied Upon
Lesson 1-An Organized Army Against the God of the Universe
Lesson 2-The Commander in Chief of the Fallen Angelic Army
Lesson 3-The Source of the Spirit of Error
Lesson 4-Lucifer's Transition to Satan
Lesson 5-The Temporary Authority Over the World System and its Kingdoms
Lesson 6-A Skillful and Methodical Enemy
Lesson 7-Their Strategy for Deception
Lesson 8-Point of Contact for Deception
Lesson 9-Seeking to Attack and Devour
Lesson 10-Ability to Influence, Control, and Possess
Lesson 11-Ability to Influence Through Lies, Circumstances, and Man
Lesson 12-Ability to Control through Counterfeit Systems of Thought
Lesson 13-Ability to Possess Unbelievers through Assent and Consent
Lesson 14-Disguised as Angels of Light and Servants of Righteousness
Lesson 15-Defeated by God through Christ Unto Eternal Judgment
Lesson 16-Overcome by Truth that is Known and Relied Upon
End Times Events
Every second God's eternal judgment for Satan & man draws closer. This study seeks to inform believers on God's timeline for the church, Israel, and the fallen.
Lesson 1-The Rapture of the Saints
Lesson 2-The Falling Away of Believers
Lesson 3-The Judgment Seat of Christ
Lesson 4-The Marriage of the Lamb
Lesson 5-The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Lesson 6-The Millennial Reign of Christ
Lesson 7-Operation Footstool
Lesson 8-The Tribulation
Lesson 9-The Seven Sealed Book of Judgments
Lesson 10-The Seven Trumpet Judgments
Lesson 11-The Seven Bowl Judgments
Lesson 12-The Judgment of Babylon, the Great Harlot
Lesson 13-The Judgment of the Nations
Lesson 14-The Judgment of the Foolish Virgins
Lesson 15-The Great White Throne Judgment
Timeline: Overview of Eschatalogical Timings & Proceedings
Lesson 16-Antichrists & The Final Antichrist Dictator
Lesson 17-The Tribulational Beast: Satan's Federation of Nations under the Revised Roman Empire
Lesson 18-The Great Dragon of the Tribulation: Satan Himself
Lesson 19-Eternity Future in the New Heaven and New Earth
Lesson 20-Eternity Future in the New Jerusalem
Lesson 1-The Rapture of the Saints
Lesson 2-The Falling Away of Believers
Lesson 3-The Judgment Seat of Christ
Lesson 4-The Marriage of the Lamb
Lesson 5-The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Lesson 6-The Millennial Reign of Christ
Lesson 7-Operation Footstool
Lesson 8-The Tribulation
Lesson 9-The Seven Sealed Book of Judgments
Lesson 10-The Seven Trumpet Judgments
Lesson 11-The Seven Bowl Judgments
Lesson 12-The Judgment of Babylon, the Great Harlot
Lesson 13-The Judgment of the Nations
Lesson 14-The Judgment of the Foolish Virgins
Lesson 15-The Great White Throne Judgment
Timeline: Overview of Eschatalogical Timings & Proceedings
Lesson 16-Antichrists & The Final Antichrist Dictator
Lesson 17-The Tribulational Beast: Satan's Federation of Nations under the Revised Roman Empire
Lesson 18-The Great Dragon of the Tribulation: Satan Himself
Lesson 19-Eternity Future in the New Heaven and New Earth
Lesson 20-Eternity Future in the New Jerusalem
The Bible
Basic information to help the believer understand the Bible itself. This series informs the believer of the different characteristics and topics of God's Word.
Lesson 1-A Collection of God's Revelation
Lesson 2-Inspired Revelation of God
Lesson 3-The Pentateuch
Lesson 4-The Historical Books
Lesson 5-The Poetical Books
Lesson 6-The Prophetic Books
Lesson 7-The Gospels
Lesson 8-The Acts of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 9-The Epistles
Lesson 10-Living and Active
Lesson 11-The Believer's Curriculum for Sanctification
Lesson 12-Sustenance for Spiritual Life
Lesson 13-The Sword of the Spirit
Lesson 14-Considering the Canon
Lesson 1-A Collection of God's Revelation
Lesson 2-Inspired Revelation of God
Lesson 3-The Pentateuch
Lesson 4-The Historical Books
Lesson 5-The Poetical Books
Lesson 6-The Prophetic Books
Lesson 7-The Gospels
Lesson 8-The Acts of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 9-The Epistles
Lesson 10-Living and Active
Lesson 11-The Believer's Curriculum for Sanctification
Lesson 12-Sustenance for Spiritual Life
Lesson 13-The Sword of the Spirit
Lesson 14-Considering the Canon
God has given man responsibility as His steward throughout human history. This study seeks to provide an overview of the different ages and God's stewards in those ages.
Lesson 1-Ages Framed by God
Lesson 2-Age of Innocence
Lesson 3-Age of Conscience
Lesson 4- Age of Civil Governments
Lesson 5-Age of Promise
Lesson 6-Age of the Law
Lesson 7-Age of the Church
Lesson 8-Age of Christ
Lesson 1-Ages Framed by God
Lesson 2-Age of Innocence
Lesson 3-Age of Conscience
Lesson 4- Age of Civil Governments
Lesson 5-Age of Promise
Lesson 6-Age of the Law
Lesson 7-Age of the Church
Lesson 8-Age of Christ
The Holy Spirit
A look at the Holy Spirit's role in the Church Age. This study seeks to inform the believer about the Holy Spirit's role in the Church Age as He indwells and leads believers in Christ.
Lesson 1-The Holy Spirit in the Church Age
Lesson 2-The Holy Spirit's Regeneration and Renewal of Believers
Lesson 3-The Holy Spirit's Convicting Ministry
Lesson 4-The Holy Spirit's Sealing Ministry
Lesson 5-Able to be Grieved
Lesson 6-Able to be Quenched
Lesson 7-Able to be Blasphemed
Lesson 8-The Holy Spirit's Intercessory Ministry
Lesson 9-The Believer's Anointing
Lesson 10-The Holy Spirit's Testimony
Lesson 11-The Holy Spirit's Leading
Lesson 12-The Holy Spirit's Restraining Ministry
Lesson 1-The Holy Spirit in the Church Age
Lesson 2-The Holy Spirit's Regeneration and Renewal of Believers
Lesson 3-The Holy Spirit's Convicting Ministry
Lesson 4-The Holy Spirit's Sealing Ministry
Lesson 5-Able to be Grieved
Lesson 6-Able to be Quenched
Lesson 7-Able to be Blasphemed
Lesson 8-The Holy Spirit's Intercessory Ministry
Lesson 9-The Believer's Anointing
Lesson 10-The Holy Spirit's Testimony
Lesson 11-The Holy Spirit's Leading
Lesson 12-The Holy Spirit's Restraining Ministry
Commonly misunderstood and confused to include emotions and guilt, repentance is one of the fundamental aspects of salvation and fellowship both. This series seeks to help believers accurately understand what it means to change their mind about what they believe.
Lesson 1-Changing the Mind About What is Valuable
Lesson 2-Required for Fellowship
Lesson 3-The Believer's Proper Response to Divine Discipline
Lesson 4-Inspired by God's Grace Orientation toward Man
Lesson 5-The Prerequisite to Confession
Lesson 6-Preceded by Humility
Lesson 7-Its Worthy Works and Fruit
Lesson 1-Changing the Mind About What is Valuable
Lesson 2-Required for Fellowship
Lesson 3-The Believer's Proper Response to Divine Discipline
Lesson 4-Inspired by God's Grace Orientation toward Man
Lesson 5-The Prerequisite to Confession
Lesson 6-Preceded by Humility
Lesson 7-Its Worthy Works and Fruit